오늘 함선 사진들 다운받으려니 오른쪽 클릭이 안되네요.....전엔 됐던것 같은데.....
사진좀 다운 받을 수 없을 까요?
"You can't hide from me, Ulic... ...Not even in this hellish wasteland. I know you... I know your mind... I know your heart... I know your guilt... This place reminds me of you, Ulic. Isolated...Frozen... Crumbling. Once you had a glorious past, but now you're just cold..." - Nomi Sunrider - "Ulic Qel-Droma! I have searched for you across the galaxy. Even in a place as cold as this, your festering presence is like a beacon to me. Your running and hiding is finished now. Justice is mine! You must die, Ulic... For your crimes against the Republic. For all the blood on your hands, for your alliance with the evil Exar Kun. ...And especially for the death of my mate Crado!" - Sylvar - "Ulic! I can feel you out there. It's dark. I'm trapped. I survived...but I'm trapped. Ulic! Why don't you answer me? Don't leave me! Ulic! Ulic?" - Exar Kun -