안녕하세요, 여러분. 골뱅씨입니다. 또 불운하게도 - 이번에도 역시 번역요청으로 찾아뵙게 되었습니다. 
제가 이번에 번역을 부탁드리는 것은 '뮤턴트 크로니클스 - 워존 : 리저랙션(Mutant Chronicles - Warzone : Resurrection)'이라는 미니어처 전략 보드게임입니다. 

뮤턴트 크로니클스 워존이 무슨 게임인고하니 - 머나먼 미래, 세상과 우주는 국가 대신에 초기업(메가 코퍼레이션 이하 메가콥 / Mega Corporation)에 의해 지배받는 세상이 되었습니다. 이 세상에서 메가콥은 행성 단위로 세력권을 가지고 있으며, 행성마다 기업 간의 처절한 자원 쟁탈전으로 의해 황폐해져가고 있으며, 지구는 이미 오래 전에 버려진 뒤 다크 에덴(Dark Eden)이라는 이름으로 불리고 있습니다. 

그렇게 모두 5개의 메가콥 - 바우하우스 (Bauhaus), 캐피톨 (Capitol), 사이버트로닉 (Cybertronic), 임페리얼 (Imperial), 미시마 (Mishima) - 이 서로를 무너트리기 위해 끊임없이 싸우던 어느 날, 다크 리전 (Dark Legion)이라고 하는 악마와 외계인과 괴물과 시체와 그리고 이들을 숭배하는 미치광이 인간들로 구성된 악의 군단이 나타나 전 우주를 다크 리전의 이름으로 정복해 노예로 삼고, 저항하는 자들은 말살합니다. 

모든 살아있는 생명의 위기 앞에서 - 조용히 숨어서 악에 맞서 싸우던 집단인 브라더후드 (Brotherhood)는 전면에 나서게 되었습니다. 브라더후드는 메가콥을 설득해 다크 리전의 위협 앞에서 함께 맞서 싸우도록 했고, 둠트루퍼 (Doomtrooper)라고 하는 특공대 조직을 결성, 다크 리전의 본거지를 공격해 큰 타격을 입히고 저 멀리 도망가게 만듭니다. 

그러나 공동의 위기가 없어지자마자 - 메가콥은 다시 싸우기 시작했고, 브라더후드도 이 GR맞은 싸움에 끼어들게 되었으며, 패배한 다크 리전도 복수를 하기 위해 이 전쟁에 발을 들여놓았습니다. 뮤턴트 크로니클스 워존의 세상은 이런 세상입니다. 

한때는 많은 인기를 끌었으며 - TRPG 게임으로 나오고, 소설과 만화로도 나오고, 미니어처 게임으로도 나오고, 비디오 게임으로도 제작되었으나 결국 기억 속으로 사라지고 말았고, 2008년에 영화화 B급 영화로 잠깐 반짝였습니다 - 우리나라 제목은 '뮤턴트 다크에이지'로 나왔었지요. 그러다가 2013년에 프로도스 게임즈에서 워존 : 리저랙션이라는 이름으로 부활했지요. 킥스타터 모금을 통해 돈을 모은 프로도스 게임즈는 많은 사람들에게 실망과 기쁨과 희망과 분노를 안겨주면서, 지금도 열심히 워존 : 리저랙션을 만들고 있습니다. 

아래 글은 모두 프로도스 게임즈의 워존 리저랙션 페이지에서 가져온 것들입니다. 
알아보기 힘들고 어려워서 여러분들의 도움을 청하게되었으니 - 부디 이렇게 꼬-옥- 좀 부탁드립니다. 

Of all of the trials and tribulations Mankind has confronted since the breaking of the Seal of Nero, of all the horrors and monstrosities that have spewed forth from the Darkness, the most blasphemous of all are those we condemn as heretics. With our own eyes we have witnessed such towering fiends as the Ezoghoul, and we have steeled out hearts against the terror Praetorian Stalker. We have cast out all manner of foe, from the moons of Jupiter to the polar wastes of Mars, and yet still no enemy offends us as does the heretic. Let it be known to all that the sin of heresy, the taint of blasphemy, must rank above all other crimes a man can commit. Indeed, to turn against ones kin at such a calamitous time as we now experience is utterly unforgivable. To reject the Light and to invite the Darkness, to usher in the end times, to allow ones soul to burn with the black light of the beyond, is to turn ones back on all of Humanity. Lo, we say unto the Heretic, ‘Be gone. Flee to the darkness and embrace the Dark Soul. You are dead to us, dead to countless eons of human history and dead to yourself. We cast you out; we turn our backs upon you and we deny your existence. Seek to return to the bosom of Humanity and know that only death awaits you. 

From it's beginning, The Bauhaus Megacorporation had a well-deserved reputation for engineering excellence and now, nearly 1400 years later, this reputation still holds true. During the colonization of the solar system, all the Megacorporations employed their skills in the construction of ships, atmospheric processing plants and gravity regulators. In addition to their industrial reputation, they were also recognized for their honourable business ethics. The Bauhaus Megacorporation rarely offered the most appealing deals and they were never the cheapest, but agreements signed with them were always honoured. As one might expect, the Bauhaus reputation for excellence extends onto the battlefield. Their military hardware is generally of a high standard and their mechanical and armoured support is notably superior to that of the other Megacorporations. Combined with good discipline and highly trained troops, the Bauhaus army is one of the most effective in the solar system. Following the culture of military service the troops themselves are also well motivated and follow a code of honour that has earned them respect throughout the Megacorporations. 

Capitol was the first Megacorporation to fully appreciate the commercial viability of colonizing the solar system. Taking the initiative, they invested a massive amount of resources in the construction of a permanent launch facility and resource depot on Earth's Moon (Luna). Their investment paid huge dividends as traffic throughout the solar system increased and all of the Megacorporations began using the Capitol base. They developed a reputation for logistical expertise that persists to this day, for their supply lines and rapid deployment record is by far the most impressive of all the corporations. The Capitol Military reflects the emphasis on individuality, which is prevalent in their society at large. They possess a large regular army but the majority of conscripts join up in the firm belief that they are destined for service in one of the special-forces divisions and as such, the Capitol military force has a hugely varied selection of specialist troops. 

Compared to the other Megacorporations, the history of Cybertronic is extremely short. However, in the 160 years since they reached Megacorporation status they have had a huge impact on the solar system. The Megacorporation had its beginnings in a relatively unknown company called Cybertronic Investments Inc., with a dubious reputation for developing technology in violation of Brotherhood directives. In the year 1103 Y.C. they orchestrated a colossal 'ghost collapse' of the stock exchange on Luna. Billions of valuable shares were unwisely sold only to be bought up by supporters of Cybertronic who suddenly emerged from within all of the Megacorporations. The company's assets soared rapidly and almost overnight a new Megacorporation was born. As the Cybertronic farms continue to deliver citizens at a rate that no other corporation can match, the ranks of their military are swelling in step. Many are the roles that one might fulfill for the Megacorporation but none yield the esteem or the potential rewards of serving in the armed forces.Contrary to what most Cybertronic citizens believe, their soldiers do not always go into battle supported by the finest military hardware to be found in the solar system. It is true that the best that Cybertronic has to offer really is the best there is. However, Cybertronic's resources and their confidence in their superiority are not as limitless, nor as certain as they would have their citizens believe. As a consequence of this the majority of their troops are sent into battle with equipment that is decidedly average in quality and effectiveness. 

Of all the Megacorporations, Mishima holds itself most closely to the ancient traditions of its origins.Mishima suffered badly during the Fall because so much of their wealth had been accumulated through the design of microprocessors and the generation of powerful AI's. But as history has repeatedly shown, Mishima has a remarkable capacity for resilience. Their adherence to duty has seen them accomplish many things that other Megacorporations considered impossible, not least of which was the successful settling of the infernal world of Mercury. The Mishima Megacorporation has a completely unique mindset; one that is rigid and elegant but also completely unforgiving, these values are prized by even the most lowly of their citizens. It is this introspective method of thought that has led them into much controversy over the centuries. Most memorably of all, the rift that sprang up between Mishima and the Brotherhood during the Neronian Heresy. This division is not entirely healed, even to this day. Following the divergence of Mishima from the teachings of the Cardinal, Mishima established the "Schools of Enlightenment", which many see as an act of heresy. The Brotherhood however, saw no evidence of the Dark Symmetry in the schools and so tolerated their existence. This was seen by many in the Curia as a wise move as it allowed Mishima to concede the Brotherhood's spiritual authority without losing face. Others see it as a display of The Brotherhood's weakness and a sign that Mishima are falling ever closer into shadow. 

For all the achievements of the Imperial Megacorporation, their history is forever darkened by events that changed the world of mankind forever. During the pre-Exodus migration from Earth it was the navigational space-faring skills of Imperial that allowed it to rise in power until it was on a par with the other Megacorporations. Although the smallest of the Megacorporations, their imperialistic nature has allowed them to keep step as the great powers of the solar system jostled for power. Their success is due to the caliber of the common citizens and not to the corporate leadership, which has earned a well-deserved reputation for bad judgement. It was the Imperial Conquistadors on Pluto that first unearthed the so-called Steel Tablet, a careless act, which released the Dark Symmetry into the Solar system. And yet it was also the Imperial Corporation who designed the first Harrison Drives, which enabled travel through the spatial rifts and effectively saved mankind from despair after the collapse of so much of his precious technology. But then, in a repetition of history, and true to their inquisitive nature, it was the Imperial Conquistadors landing on the tenth planet Nero who unwittingly invited the Dark Legion itself into the world of mankind. And they are yet to redeem themselves for that catastrophic act. 

It is said that the formation of the Brotherhood rewrote the course of history. 
The Brotherhood was formed in 2275 A.D. by the first Cardinal, Nathaniel Durand, following the end of the First Corporate Wars. It's foundation drew all the Megacorporations together into unity. A new calendar was created in the year of the Cardinal's inauguration and dates were henceforth written as Y.C. -In the "Year of the Cardinal". From it's earliest days, the Brotherhood established themselves as a martial force and not simply a clerical order guiding humanity with words of wisdom and peace; the times are too dark, the enemy too prone to slaughter for such a charitable expression of faith. Did not the Cardinal himself lead an army of thousands against the "Apostle of War" and did he not smite down and cleave into bloody ruin many a hell-spawned demon sent against him? He did; and as in all things, the Brotherhood follows what Cardinal Durand taught them. The military wing of the Brotherhood, which forms the larger part of the Inquisition, is growing all the time. From the moment one joins the Brotherhood one is considered part of a holy war and as such one highly motivated by devotion to the Cardinal. The Brotherhood military is varied and consists of a large quantity of standard troops augmented by specially trained assignment warriors with particular skills or equipment, best suited to the mission in hand. When The Brotherhood rose from the ashes, then another, much darker power awoke with it - The forces of Dark Legion were spread all over the universe and attacked humanity. Activity of the Dark Legion started when an Imperial ship landed on a new planet, the last planet of our solar system, planet Nero. All of the Megacorporations were led by the Brotherhood in one last fight against the Dark Legion forces, within the jungles of Venus. 

It was the Imperial Megacorporation that first discovered and disturbed the Steel Tablet on Pluto and thus releasead the "Dark Symmetry" into the universe of mankind. But this cannot be seen as an accident, this was no chance discovery. Besides the natural curiosity of man there was something else at work, a hidden force acting on the Impeial "Conquistadors" like the lure of a serpent. When the doomed "Conquistador" touched the Steel Tablet it was like the tolling of a mighty bell, a resonance going out into the void but it was also a sign, an omen declaring that the fruit of mankind's soul was ripe. A soul swollen by greed, ambition and betrayal, the human race had finally proved itself a worthy sacrifice to the "Dark Soul". The "Dark Symmetry" spread throughout our reality warping it to the purpose of the "Dark Soul" and rendering a large part of human technology so maliciously unreliable that to use it was to court disaster. The "Dark Symmetry" was only the vanguard, the precursor of the arrival of the "Dark Legion" itself. In much the same way as mankind altered entire worlds to accommodate his presence, so the "Dark Symmetry" worked upon the reality of mankind to accommodate the presence of the "Dark Soul". Some fifty years later, when the planet Nero was discovered its significance was not recognized, though many were filled with an unreasonable sense of foreboding by its sudden appearance and disturbing presence. The first recorded awareness of the "Dark Soul's" existence came from the speeches of a young political and religious activist by the name of Nathaniel Durand. He was the first person to bring the imminent threat of the Dark Legion to public attention. But it wasn't until some fifty years after his inauguration as Cardinal of the Brotherhood that the Dark Legion launched its first massive assault. The physical presence of the Dark Legion was released into the solar system after the ever-inquisitive Imperial Conquistadors broke the First Seal of Repulsion on the planet Nero. In the year 51 Y.C. the Dark Legion launched a massive attack across the solar system raising up a host of Dark Citadels and bringing new levels of terror to the battlefields of mankind. It was only the Cardinal's vision and strength of faith that saved mankind from complete annihilation. Leading a combined human force he defeated the Dark Legion in the jungles of Venus during the Venusian Crusade and their presence began to withdraw from the solar system. A brief show of strength by Algeroth's Nepharite Overlord Saladin on Mars, reminded humanity that the Dark Legion was not completely vanquished but had simply retreated, biding their time before the next and final assault on the soul of mankind. Now after almost twelve hundred years of physical absence they have returned. The Dark Legion is back to finish the task they began so long ago and as the forces of mankind struggle in the grip of the Second Corporate Wars there seems little hope that they shall survive this the ultimate attempt of their worlds, their lives, their very soul. 


* 스토리 참고
- http://mirror.enha.kr/wiki/%EB%AE%A4%ED%84%B4%ED%8A%B8%20%ED%81%AC%EB%A1%9C%EB%8B%88%ED%81%B4#s-2

* 자료 출처 1 - http://prodosgames.com/
* 자료 출처 2 - http://kimtekeng.egloos.com/category/Mutant%20Chronicles

* 자료 출처 3
- http://tonaitoo.egloos.com/category/%EB%AE%A4%ED%84%B4%ED%8A%B8%20%ED%81%AC%EB%A1%9C%EB%8B%88%ED%81%B4

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( 어이 이봐, 친구 - 무슨 일 있어? )