안녕하세요, 여러분. 골뱅씨입니다. 
제가 요즘 제로의 사역마 팬픽을 쓰고 있는데요, 거기서 데르플링거라는 인텔리전스 웨폰이 나오는데. 저는 여기에 반쯤 정신나간 속성을 부여하려고 합니다. 

그래서 이걸 어떻게 표현하면 좋을까하다가 - 발더스 게이트의 마검 라일라코르가 떠오르더군요. 
라일라코르가 제대로 정신나간 검이긴 하지요 - 드래곤 라자의 프림 블레이드를 제외하면은요. 

그래서 이 녀석이 뭐라고 떠드는지 알아보려 했는데....... 죄다 영어이지 뭡니까. 

영어 실력이 굉장히 - 그것도 대화 부분에서emoticon - 딸리는 저로서는 번역하기가 어려운지라 이렇게 번역요청을 드리게 되었습니다. 

부디 간절하게 꼬-옥- 좀 부탁드립니다. 

Lilarcor - Lawrence Lilarcor

> Dialogue
"Hmph. I suppose I'm okay. 
Why? Are we gonna kill something now? No? How about now? No? Hmmm... now, maybe? Grrrrrr..."

"I think you need take better care of me. 
I've got more chips than a blind beaver... I look like a second-rate pig poker."

"Well, since you asked, I would like to register a complaint. 
I want to kill a dragon. Right now. Go find one and kill it. That would be SO cool."

"I'd appreciate some quality time in my scabbard. 
Take a break... ahhhh, who am I kidding? Attack! Battle! Kill! Hee heeee...... this is what I live for!"

> Quotes

* Battle quotes
"Bring 'em on! I ain't done!"
"Choke up, dolt, your grip is all wrong!"
"Come get some! Boo-yah!"
"Hands up, kiddies, who wants to die?!"
"I am invincible! Invincible, I say!"
"I'm the best at what I do, and what I do ain't pretty!"
"Kill kill kill! Yeah! Cool!"
"Kill it! Kill it quick before they're all gone!"
"Let's dance!"
"Let's see what's inside this one! Yeah!"
"Mmm, mm! Tastes like chicken!"
"Murder! Death! KILL!!!"
"Oh yeah!"
"Ooo, that'll leave a mark!"
"Sissy fighter! You grab, I'll scratch!"
"Some of my finest work!"
"Swing harder, swing harder! Swing harder!!"
"Who's your daddy!"
"Yeah! Hit it! Hit it again!"
"You deal, I'll cut!"
"You feel lucky, punk?"

* Idle quotes
"...and this one's for grandma, who said I'd never amount to anything more than a butterknife!!"
"Are we gonna kill something now? C'mon, maybe? Something small... anything!"
"Are YOU talking to ME?!!"
"Boring. Boring. BorIIING!"
"Can we go kill something now, huh?"
"Can we go whack something now?"
"C'mon, what about now? Let's KILL!"
"C'mon c'mon, let's go whack something evil.
"Come on let's kill something NOW!"
"Come on, what about now? No? C'mon, c'mon! I'm getting itchy, let's GO!"
"Hot butta!"
"I don't chop wood, OK? I am not an axe."
"I don't know what you are excepting, but as a sword, I'm pretty one-dimensional in what I want.
"I love the smell of daisies in the morning!
"I may be an intelligent sword, but I've had no formal edumication."
"Let's whack something eeeevvvvillllll....."
"My brother is a +12 Hackmaster! Mhmheh."
"Now? Please? Pretty please?"
"Now! Now! C'mon, kill something now!! Yeah!"
"Okay, listen, beefy: I may be an intelligent sword, but I've had no formal edumication."
"Oooh, I'm shaking! Haha!"
"Oooh, throw a coin in that fountain! Hahaha!"
(sign) "Ohhhhh, C'MON!"
(double sign) "Russ'em, friggin', saw-a-rabbit. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!"
"So, are we gonna... kill something now!?"
Wanna go and kill now? Hmm mm mmm hm mm hmmm. Now?
"Wanna kill that over there? C'mon, let's kill somethin'!"
"What about now?"
"Why don't we go kill that over there?"
"Wouldn't it be cool if you could dual-wield me?"
"YOINK! Got yer nose!"
"You can't be serious!"
"You know, my last owner said that I was sharp and edgy. He was such an ass."
"Y'know what? Long time ago, yeah, I was like er, a Moonblade. Heheheheh."
"You really need to clean me. I like to shine!"
"I got more chips than a blind beaver!"

* Normal quotes
'I may be an intelligent sword, but I've had no formal edumication.'
'Can we go kill something now, huh?'
'How about now?  No?'
'Come on let's kill something NOW!'
'mmmm.... now?'
'What about now?'
'Now?  Please?  Pretty please?'
'I don't know what you were expecting, but as a sword I'm pretty one-dimensional in what I want.'
'Can we go whack something now?'
'Let's whack something eeeeevvvvillllll....'
'Why don't we go kill that over there?'
'You know, I was a Moonblade once.'
'You really need to clean me.  I like to shine!'
'Are we going to kill something now, maybe?  Huh?'
'You know, my last owner always said I was sharp and edgy.  He was such an ass.'
'I don't chop wood.  I am not an axe.'
'Now!  Now!  Kill something now!! Yeah!'
'(double sigh)'
'Wanna go kill that over there? C'mon, let's kill somthin'!'

* Combat quotes
'You deal, I'll cut!'
'Let's see what's inside this one! Yeah!'
'Come get some!  Boo-yah!'
'Choke up, dolt, your grip is all wrong!'
'Hands up, kiddies, who wants to die?!'
'Mmmm... tastes like chicken!'
'Sissy fighter!  You grab, I'll scratch!'
'You can't be serious!'
'Ooo, that'll leave a mark!'
'Murder!  Death!!  KILL!!!'
'Who's your daddy!'
'We got a gusher!'
'Are YOU talking to ME?!!'
'Some of my finest work!'
'I'm the best at what I do, and what I do ain't pretty!'
'Yeah! Hit it!  Hit it again!'
'I am invincible!  Invincible, I say!'
'Wouldn't it be cool if you could dual-wield me?'
'YOINK!  Got yer nose!'
'My brother is a +12 Hackmaster!'
'I love the smell of daisies in the morning!'
'Swing harder!  Swing harder!!'
'Bring 'em on!  I ain't done!'
'Oh yeah!'
'Let's dance!'
'Kill it!  Kill it quick before they're all gone!'
'Kill kill kill!  Yeah!  Cool!!'
'...and this one's for grandma, who said I'd never amount to anything more than a butterknife!!'
'Hot butta!'
'You feel lucky, punk?'
'Oooh, I'm shaking! Haha!'
'Oooh, throw a coin in that fountain! Hahaha!'

Hey yo, Bro - What's up?
( 어이 이봐, 친구 - 무슨 일 있어? )