JKFiles Site News

It is my unfortunate displeasure to inform the community that all Knights of the Force mod content has been removed from our file archives. As many of you know, this modification is widely considered to be a scam and has, in the past, violated LucasArts modding policies. We have decided that the author's most recent endeavor -- offering to illegally sell the mod for $100 US currency via DVD -- is the last straw and that the site will no longer support his work in any way. This type of fee is much too high to simply cover shipping and handling.

I would like to strongly encourage all of our users not to purchase the modification. We will no longer be accepting any content related to this mod and if you find any still in our archives I encourage you to let me know so it can be swiftly removed. Please remember that selling mod content -- especially when it is not yours -- is illegal! Show support for your community modders by not supporting this mod.

결국 4~5년동안 기다린 많은 제다이유저들이 한 사기꾼에 낚인 셈이 되어버렸군요
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