On November 5th, KOTF will be released on many file portals + torrent, KOTF forums will also be available on that day. I will ask your help for torrent sharing, ones who can seed the files are kindly expected to email me.You have to keep to all the warnings and advices below if you are waiting for this game for a long time and if you want to enjoy it.
2008.03.22 05:36:24 (*.176.9.174)
11월 5일,KOTF가 많은 파일 포털[p2p인가요?]과 torrent[이건 p2p네요] 에 풀릴 것입니다. 동시에 KOTF 포럼[토의게시판]도 그날 가능해질 것입니다.저는 이 파일들을 뿌리실 분들이 저에게 이메일을 주시고 torrent에서 공유하시길 바랍니다. 오래동안 기다려온 KOTF를 즐기시려면 지금까지 제가 해온 아래 어드바이스와 경고를 지켜주셔야 할 것입니다.
On November 5th, KOTF will be released on many file portals + torrent, KOTF forums will also be available on that day. I will ask your help for torrent sharing, ones who can seed the files are kindly expected to email me.You have to keep to all the warnings and advices below if you are waiting for this game for a long time and if you want to enjoy it.