인터넷에서 에피소드 3편 삭제 장면에 실린 대사 중
다음과 같은 내용이 있더군요

PADME and OBI-WAN sit on one of the couches.
OBI-WAN: Has Anakin been to see you?
PADME: Several times . . . I was so happy to hear he was accepted on the Jedi Council.
OBI-WAN: I know ... he deserves it. He is impatient, strong willed, very opinionated, but truly gifted.
They laugh.
PADME: You're not just here to say hello. Something is wrong, isn't it?
OBI-WAN: You should be a Jedi, Padme.
PADME: You're not very good at hiding your feelings.
OBI-WAN: It's Anakin . . . He's becoming moody and detached. He's been put in a difficult position as the Chancellor's representative . . . but I think it's more than that. I was hoping he may have talked to you.
PADME: Why would he talk to me about his work?
OBI-WAN studies her.
OBI-WAN: Neither of you is very good at hiding your feelings either.
PADME: Don't give me that look.
OBI-WAN: I know how he feels about you.
PADME: (nervous)
What did he say?
OBI-WAN: Nothing. He didn't have to.
PADME is a little flustered. She stands and Obi-Wan follows. She walks to the balcony.
PADME: I don't know what you're talking about.
OBI-WAN: I know you both too well. I can see you two are in love. Padme, I'm worried about him.
PADME looks down and doesn't answer.
OBI-WAN: (continuing)
I fear your relationship has confused him. He's changed considerably since we returned . . .
They stand on the balcony and look off at the early morning city. OBI-WAN starts to leave. PADME stays looking off into the distant city.
OBI-WAN: (continuing)
Padme, I'm not telling the Council about any of this. I ... I hope I didn't upset you. We're all friends, I care about both of you . . .
PADME: Thank you, Obi-Wan.
OBI-WAN: Please do what you can to help him.

삭제씬#2 ============================================
PALPATINE: There are rumors in the Senate about Master Kenobi. Many believe he is not fit for this assignment.
ANAKIN: Not fit? Why would anyone think that?
PALPATINE: They say his mind has become fogged by the influence of a certain female Senator.
ANAKIN: That's ridiculous. Who?!?
PALPATINE: (slyly)
No one knows who she is ... only that she is a Senator.
ANAKIN: That's impossible. I would know.
PALPATINE: Sometimes the closest are the ones who cannot see.
ANAKIN becomes worried.
PALPATINE: (continuing)
Idle Senate gossip is rarely true and never accurate. I'm sure your Master will do fine.

두번째 대화 후에 아나킨은
파드메와 오비완이 나오는 꿈을 다시 꾸죠
OBI-WAN: Save your energy.
PADME: I can't!
OBI-WAN: Don't give up, Padme. Don't give up

이 장면후 파드메가 등장하고 상영판에서 다음 대사가 이어집니다
ANAKIN: I sense someone familiar . . . Obi-Wan's been here, hasn't he?
PADME: He came by this morning.
ANAKIN: What did he want?
PADME looks at him for a moment. ANAKIN seems tense.
PADME: He's worried about you.
ANAKIN: You told him about us, didn't you?
She continues to walk to the bedroom, he follows.
PADME: He's your best friend, Anakin. He says you're under a lot of stress.
ANAKIN: And he's not?
PADME: You have been moody lately.
ANAKIN: I'm not moody . . .
PADME: Anakin! Don't do this again.
ANAKIN: I don't know ... I feel . . . lost.
PADME: Lost? What do you mean? You're always so sure of yourself. I don't understand.
ANAKIN: Obi-Wan and the Council don't trust me.
PADME: They trust you with their lives. ..............

마지막 부분 아나킨과 파드메의 대사 앞부분이 조금은 다른 걸로 보아 정확한 정보인지 의심스럽긴 하지만
무스타파에서 아나킨은 오비완과 대결전에
You will not take her from me.
이런 대사를 한 걸로 보아 그런대로 설득력은 있는듯합니다

팔파틴이 아나킨으로 하여금 오비완과 파드메의 사이를 의심케 한다라는 설정을 어찌 보시는지
형제, 아버지와 아들로 가까왔던 두 사람이 등을 돌리는 충분한 이유가 될 수도 있겠지만
다소 억지스런 설정같기도 하고 오비완에게 너무 부담이 될 수도 있겠다싶군요
스타워즈 좋아하는 직딩입니다~ X윙 타이파이터 부터 겜해보았고 스타워즈는 4,5,6 편 좋아하지요~